I love the idea of weekly blog prompts. I rarely expect to actually write on any weekly topic (it was only a few days ago I made a goal of monthly posts). Yet something about Amy Coffin’s series for 2012 captured me. It’s probably the concept of abundance. We are in a time of scarcity…economically, ethically, nutritionally. We are also soaked in abundance…of information. How we deal with that abundance is up to us. With that in mind, I have to consider what blog is my favorite, when I have so many to which I return, again and again, and so many that I read once and move on.
Despite her recent medical leave, I’d have to cite Pat Richley-Erickson’s DearMyrtle blog as one of my favorites. Ol’ Myrt started back when I was writing my first fan web page. I have found her posts informative, concise, and level-headed. She will often touch on some of the bigger news in the genealogy community without bombarding her readers with everything that comes through Geneapress or a string of the thousands of blogs that have sprouted up. I appreciate that.
Of course there are others, but I’ll leave those to others joining in the fun of abundant genealogy. Enjoy the abundance.
Thank you for participating in the Abundant Genealogy series. I hope you enjoy it.