All posts by Kim Cotton

About Kim Cotton

Professional Genealogist, specializing in 19th & 20th Century U.S. records, particularly California & Connecticut, with a dash of North Western Mexico.

Repost: Macworld 2011

Macworld is upon us again. I intend to post a summary of what I find from my excursion. Until then, here is the post I wrote about last year’s event, originally posted 31 Jan 2011:

I have consistently attended the annual convention celebrating the Mac computer and all things Apple.  This was the first year I walked the aisles of the Moscone Convention Center with the eye of a genealogist.  Though it was not surprising that genealogy apps like Reunion didn’t have a large booth in the center of the convention floor (or even show up), I was pleased with the great number of software and hardware options that could easily be used to benefit genealogical pursuits. Continue reading Repost: Macworld 2011

Multiple Twitter Accounts

Recently, Kathleen Brandt @a3genealogy tweeted:

“Social media experts: I am avid gardner & cook as well as genealogy. How do I keep my genealogy tweets followers separate from others?” [sic]

As one with 3 different Twitter handles, my answer needed to go far beyond 140 characters. Naturally, I decided this would be a better venue to discuss the question.  Let’s start with:

The Basics

Twitter is a two-way street. On one side of the street, you can create an account and send short outbound messages, or “tweets,” to whomever is “following” you. This is fundamentally micro-blogging — you blog in tiny 140 character bursts which Continue reading Multiple Twitter Accounts

52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy – Week 1

I love the idea of weekly blog prompts. I rarely expect to actually write on any weekly topic (it was only a few days ago I made a goal of monthly posts). Yet something about Amy Coffin’s series for 2012 captured me. It’s probably the concept of abundance. We are in a time of scarcity…economically, ethically, nutritionally. We are also soaked in abundance…of information. How we deal with that abundance is up to us. With that in mind, I have to consider what blog is my favorite, when I have so many to which I return, again and again, and so many that I read once and move on. Continue reading 52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy – Week 1