Today marks the first anniversary of the Walking Your Tree blog and the grand opening of its new space on the internet, I had a different blog when I arrived at Jamboree 2011, but through conversations and classes, I had to admit it would never be the home of the business hatching in my heart. So one night, sitting in the lobby, I managed to convince the saturated wi-fi to let me on to twitter and to start new accounts with the new login. Less than a week later, I published my first post.
As I’ve said before, it’s doubtful I’ll ever be a prolific writer, but I enjoy sharing my own thoughts on modern genealogy and technology and the places where they intersect. I also enjoy giving readers a glimpse into the workings of a newly professional genealogist. I’ve turned a curiosity into a passion into a community into a business. I love what I do, and can’t wait to share it with more people.
If you’ve been reading for a while, thanks for coming along for the ride. If you’re a new reader, thanks for taking a chance on this little corner of the ‘net. I hope you find something that helps you in the search for your own family history.
P.S. There will still be a fair number of tweeks going on here in the coming days & weeks. If you want to share any must-have plugins or advice for someone new to, feel free to leave them in the comments.