You may have noticed (or maybe you haven’t) but I can’t get it out of my head that it’s been a couple of months (read: four) since my last post. Honestly, I’ve written tons of drafts but for one reason or another, haven’t pushed that button to make them live. Yet my blogiversary is coming up so obviously something needs to be done.
So I’m moving — except not moving far. Over the next week, in the middle of Jamboree fun (you’re going too, right?), I’ll be transitioning my blog from the beautifully free to my own hosted site under my very own domain name, I already own the domain name, but it has just the saddest little welcome page ever.
I ordered the hosting service today at Laughing Squid, a small, community oriented cloud hosting provider that friends have recommended. Their dedication to the San Francisco Bay Area art community falls perfectly in line with my own values, so I’m pleased as punch to contribute to their coffers. If you haven’t already, you should really at least follow their blog:
I’m not sure how such a transition will work for the end-user, my occasional readers, or the lovely folks who actually “follow” this blog. But hopefully it won’t be too painful, and I’ll end up with a nice business website with blog, all rolled into one. I hope you’ll join me.