The annual RootsTech conference has been one of the most consistent prompts for me to write a post on this sorely neglected blog. The reasons why are not rocket science:
- I ♥ conferences
- I ♥ technology
- I ♥ family history
A + B + C = I am going to RootsTech.
This year, the Federation of Genealogical Societies is getting in on the action, holding their own annual conference in conjunction with RootsTech and I couldn’t be happier. The 2014 FGS conference in San Antonio was my first, and though I was under the weather for the bulk of the trip, it didn’t dampen my genealogical spirits. This week, they bring serious genealogical “street cred” to the RootsTech proceedings which have been a bit lacking in the non-tech fundamentals during previous years*
As a result of this crossing of the streams, we’re likely to see a much richer set of options for attendees already experienced at researching their family histories, while also letting newbies have lots of beginner options.
All in all, I’m excited to be heading to Salt Lake City once again. You may not find me posting much from the expo floor. But I will probably be tweeting. So keep track of me either through the attendees section of the RootsTech app or by following me on Twitter. And if you want to get in on some of the conference yourself, make sure to tune in to the RootsTech website, where some sessions will be livestreamed throughout the week.
* That’s a broad generalization, but previous RootsTech conferences have been noticeably lacking in “advanced” genealogical lectures, providing lots and lots and lots of beginner classes, leading some serious researchers I know to dismiss it.