It appears the google+ profile of a well known genealogist and blogger has been disabled because she was deemed to be a business. Where I appreciate the lack of businesses on google+, particularly at this early phase, it begs the question: When does a writers business overtake their own humanity according to Google? Since writers and professional genealogists are often self-employed, how can they continue to do their business and interact with friends, colleagues, and readers in the google+ sphere? And why should media outlets like Mashable News get a free pass to fill up my Stream while an individual writer who happens to do her professional writing under a nom de plume is banished?
If you are a google employee or know a google employee, can you help get the word to the right people that DearMyrtle is in fact an actual person and needs her account reinstated? Pretty please?
What should be the dividing line for person vs business on Google+? How do news outlets and professional writers factor in to that view?